Regular Membership
Regular members can be legal entities provided they are actively, seriously and publicly dealing with investments, financing, manufacturing of equipment and/or providing services in the field of production of energy from renewable energy sources, whereby at the same time they are contributing to the Association objectives.
You can access the regular membership application form by downloading it here:
Supportive Membership
Supportive member can be any legal entity irrespective of the registered seat or any natural person, interested in promotion and active contribution to the Association objectives, which actions can contribute to the development of the As s o c i a t i on and tha t ha v e considerable and acknowledged results in the fields of achieving the objectives of the Association.
You can access the supportive membership application form by downloading it here:
Honorary Membership
Honorary member can be any legal entity or natural person who wants to contribute to the improvement of work and recognition of the Association with its reputation, public action, knowledge or otherwise, as a person interested in the field of sustainable development and production of energy from renewables.
You can access the supportive membership application form by downloading it here: